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[168] Shu-Xia Zhao, Xiang-Xu, Xue-Chun Li, and You-Nian Wang, Fluid simulation of the E-H mode transition in inductively coupled plasma, J. Appl. Phys., 105, 083306 (2009)
[167] Shu-Xia Zhao, Fei Gao, and You-Nian Wang, Dynamic investigation of mode transition in inductively coupled plasma with a hybrid model, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 42, 225203 (2009)
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[164] Shu-Yan You, Yuan-Hong Song, and You-Nian Wang, Channeling of protons in double-walled carbon nanotubes in kinetic model, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, 267, 3133 (2009)
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[162] Zhen-Hua Bi, Zhong-Ling Dai, Xiang Xu, Zhi-Cheng Li, and You-Nian Wang, Numerical results for the Ar and CF4 mixture gas in a dual frequency capacitively coupled plasma using a hybrid model, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 043510 (2009)
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[160] Zhang-Hu Hu, Yuan-Hong Song, Gui-Qiu Wang, and You-Nian Wang,Nonlinear stopping power for ions moving in magnetized two-component plasmas, Phys. Plasmas, 16, 112304 (2009)
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