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2024-03-01  点击:[]

1. Xiang-Yun Lv,Quan-Zhi Zhang,Ke Jiang,Fei Gao,You-Nian Wang; Optimization of overshoot in the pulsed radio frequency inductively coupled argon plasma by step waveform modulation.Journal of Applied Physics28 January 2023; 133 (4): 043301.

2.Chun-Yan Zuo, Fei Gao, Zhong-Ling Dai, You-Nian Wang; Effects of external magnetic and electric field on multipactor and plasma breakdown of high-power microwave window.Physics of Plasmas1 June 2023; 30 (6): 062101.

3. Jia-Wei Huang,Ming-Liang Zhao,Yu-Ru Zhang,Fei Gao,You-Nian Wang; Investigation of stochastic heating and its influence on plasma radial uniformity in biased inductively coupled Ar discharges by hybrid simulation.Physics of Plasmas1 April 2023; 30 (4): 043508.

4. De-Xuan Hui,Zhang-Hu Hu,Xian-Xiu Mei,You-Nian Wang; Optimization ofe+/epair yield during the interaction of a Doppler-boosted laser with a solid-density plasma.AIP Advances1 July 2023; 13 (7): 075214.

5.Jie-Jie Lan, Zhang-Hu Hu, Xiao-Juan Wang and You-Nian Wang. Ion effects on the scaling of magnetic field amplification in plasmas with the system size[J]. New Journal of Physics,2023,25(5).

6.Na Li (李娜), Dao-Man Han (韩道满), Quan-Zhi Zhang (张权治), Xu-Hui Liu (刘旭辉), Ying-Jie Wang (王英杰) and You-Nian Wang (王友年). Fluid simulation of the effect of a dielectric window with high temperature on plasma parameters in inductively coupled plasma[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2023, 25(03):62-72.

7.Jia-Rui Liu, Yong-Xin Liu, You-Nian Wang. A comprehensive study on the electron cyclotron resonance effect in a weakly magnetized capacitively coupled RF plasma: experiment, simulation and modeling[J], PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2023, 32(4).

8.Fang-Fang Ma, Quan-Zhi Zhang, You-Nian Wang. High energy electrons induced by nonlinear effect in synchronized dual-level radio frequency pulsing capacitively coupled plasmas[J], JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2023, 56(28).

9. Fang-Fang Ma,Quan-Zhi Zhang,Dao-Man Han,Zi-Lan Xiong,Ming Gao,You-Nian Wang; Effects of the focus ring on the ion kinetics at the wafer edge in capacitively coupled plasma reactors.Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A1 September 2023; 41 (5): 053002.

10.Jing-Yu Sun, Quan-Zhi Zhang, Julian Schulze and You-Nian Wang. Resonant electron confinement and sheath expansion heating in magnetized capacitive oxygen discharges[J]. Plasma Sources Science and Technology,2023,32(7).

11.Zi-Xuan Su, Kai Zhao, Ke Jiang, Yong-Xin Liu, Fei Gao and You-Nian Wang. Experimental investigation of the radially-dependent ignition process in a pulsed capacitively coupled RF discharge: Effects of pressure, voltage and afterglow duration[J], PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 2023, 98(4).

12. Ming-Liang Zhao,Lei Tong,Yu-Ru Zhang,Fei Gao,You-Nian Wang; Fast simulation of the E–H mode transition in Ar/O2inductively coupled plasmas.Journal of Applied Physics21 July 2023; 134 (3): 033303.

13.Ming-Liang Zhao (赵明亮),Yu-Ru Zhang (张钰如),Fei Gao (高飞),You-Nian Wang (王友年). Afast hybrid simulation approach of ion energy and angular distributions in biased inductively coupled Ar plasmas[J]. Plasma Science and Technology,2023,25(07):67-77.

14.Lei Tong, Ming-Liang Zhao, Yu-Ru Zhang, Yuan-Hong Song and You-Nian Wang.Investigation of the dual-frequency bias effect on inductively coupled Cl2 plasmas by hybrid simulation[J]. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56 (2023) 365202 (12pp).

15. Chang Lu,Jia-Wei Huang,Yu-Ru Zhang,Fei Gao,You-Nian Wang; Modulation of the plasma radial uniformity in pulsed dual-antenna inductively coupled plasmas.Physics of Plasmas1 June 2023; 30 (6): 063506.

16.Yu-Ru Zhang, Jia-Wei Huang, Fang-Jie Zhou, Chang Lu, Jing-Yu Sun, Zi-Xuan Su and You-Nian Wang. Benchmarking and validation of a hybrid model for electropositive and electronegative capacitively coupled plasmas[J], PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2023, 32(5).

17. Xue Bai, Hai-Wen Xu, Chong-Biao Tian, Wan Dong, Yuan-Hong Song, You-Nian Wang. Global Simulation on Plasma Series Resonance Effect in a Radio Frequency Capacitively Coupled Ar/O 2 Plasma [J]. Chinese Physics B, 2023, 32(12).

18. Li Wang, Peter Hartmann, Zoltán Donkó, Yuan-Hong Song, Julian Schulze. Effects of a radial variation of surface coefficients on plasma uniformity in capacitive RF discharges [J]. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2023, 32(4).

19. 段蒙悦, 贾文柱, 张莹莹, 张逸凡, 宋远红. 容性耦合硅烷等离子体尘埃颗粒空间分布的二维流体模拟. 物理学报, 2023, 72(16).

20. Cao Yu, Kun Gao , Chen-Wei Peng , Chenran He  , Shibo Wang  ,Wei Shi  , Vince Allen , Jiteng Zhang  , Dengzhi Wang , Gangyu Tian ,Yifan Zhang , Wenzhu Jia  , Yuanhong Song, et al. Industrial-scale deposition of nanocrystalline silicon oxide for 26.4%-efficient silicon heterojunction solar cells with copper electrodes, Nature Energy 8, 1375-1385 (2023).

21. 赵明亮, 张钰如, 高飞, 宋远红, 王友年. 大面积矩形感性耦合等离子体源的三维流体力学模拟. 力学学报, 2023, 55(12): 2891-2899.

22. Fang-Fang Ma,Quan-Zhi Zhang, Yu-Meng Cui,You-Nian Wang; Enhancing plasma uniformity by employing non-uniform magnetic field modulation in capacitively coupled plasmas[J], Applied Physics Letters,2023,123 (20): 202103.

23. Yang Zhou, Kai Zhao, Fang-Fang Ma, Yong-Xin Liu, Fei Gao, Julian Schulze, You-Nian Wang. Low frequency dependence of plasma characteristics in dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma sources[J], Applied Physics Letters, 2024, 124(6).

24. Jie-Jie Lan, Zhang-Hu Hu*, Zhao-Hui Ran, Jia Li, You-Wei Zhou, Shu-Chun Cao, Rui Cheng, Yan-Hong Chen, Wen-Bing Yan, Quan-Tang Zhao†, Yong-Tao Zhao, Zi-Min Zhang, and You-Nian Wang. Experimental observation of the electron beam focusing effect induced by plasma currents with opposite directions, Phys. Rev. E 108, 065203 (2023).

25. Xiao-Kun Wang, Ranna Masheyeva, Yong-Xin Liu, Peter Hartmann, Julian Schulze, Zoltán Donkó; The electrical asymmetry effect in electronegative CF4 capacitive RF plasmas operated in the striation mode. Plasma Source Science and Technology, 2023, 32(8): 085009.

26. De-Hua Shi, Xiao-Kun Wang, Yong-Xin Liu, Zoltán Donkó, Julian Schulze and You-Nian Wang; An experimental and computational study on the ignition process of a pulse modulated dual-RF capacitively coupled plasma operated at various low-frequency voltage amplitudes. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 13 February 2024, 33 025012 
